Ever see The “Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container. Access is denied.” error? I get this sometimes on Windows when pulling code from Git.…
Finnish web guy blogging from Denmark.
Ever see The “Failed to Enumerate Objects in the Container. Access is denied.” error? I get this sometimes on Windows when pulling code from Git.…
Use Measure-Object to count things. In this case it would look like: Only Files Only Folders Both Specific files
$server = “YOURSERVERNAME”$password = “yourpassword”$username = “yourusername”Write-Host “Start reset” $SecurePassword = $password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $SecurePassword$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName…
schtasks /create /tn “reboot for updates” /tr “shutdown /r /t 0” /sc once /st 23:27:00 /sd 11/13/2019 /ru “System” What is this? Schtasks The schtasks command enables…
Sometimes on Continuous Integration or other automated scenarios you want to restart Application pool in order to recycle everything clean. This can be done by…
tldr; Open Powershell as Admin Type: Start-Sleep 3600 ; Restart-Computer -Confirm:$false <enter> I work on RDP a lot against Windows Machines and sometimes there…