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Benefits of updating from .NET Framework to .NET 6

Microsoft’s .NET Core is already several years old but I have not fully embrace it until release of .NET6 last year. Although, I was using .NET Core for smaller projects like Azure Functions and API’s when creating full scale Web Applications I was still favoring ASP.NET MVC in the Framework. But no more! Now for me it is time to say good bye to .NET Framework after ~20 years of great service and move to the next chapter.

What’s the difference

Microsoft .NET Framework was released in 2000 to help Windows developers to catch up with web development. Initial release was introducing new language C#, new way of communicating with data XML and Web Services and much more. From 2000 the framework was evolving year by year until to the release 4.8. Microsoft .NET Framework is built around Windows Operating System and it is not very scalable when thinking today’s cloud thinking. Therefore clever guys and girls in Microsoft jump back to drawing board and designed successor for the framework. .NET Core is the latest version of Microsoft’s .NET Framework( The framework is a re-usable design platform for software systems, which provides support for code libraries and various scripting languages ), which is a free, open-source, general-purpose programming platform. It’s a cross-platform framework that works with Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.The.NET Core Framework may be used to create a variety of apps, including mobile, desktop, online, cloud, IoT, machine learning, microservices, games, and more. .NET Core is written from scratch to make it a modular, lightweight, fast, and cross-platform Framework.

Why should you update

Why should you not update

  • The Applications require technologies like workflow, webforms or WCF that are not present in .NET Core.
  • Applications are built to run on Windows alone.

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Published inAzureWindows